Friday, September 27, 2013

Pork Bourguignonne

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This is a great dish to pull from the roster when your taste buds are tired and you have the urge to embark on a culinary adventure. I have two recipes for French pork stew and today I'm going to feature the more classic of the two. Like many dishes that come from French peasant kitchens, you'll find this one is very easy to make. It is, however, a two day affair that requires the pork to marinate for 48 hours before it is browned and finally braised. The recipe below is as I found it. Hence, you'll find a call for kidney fat that, unless your butcher is more accommodating than mine, you can ignore. Bacon drippings make a nice substitute and add a faint layer of flavor to the finished stew. I know those of you who try this dish will like it. The use of current jelly sets it apart from the more common beef bourgignone after which it is patterned. I suggest you add a teaspoon of cider vinegar to the sauce just before it is thickened with the beurre mani

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