Friday, September 27, 2013

Cotriade - A Fish Stew from Brittany

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...We're ready for Christmas here. The manic rush is over and it's time to let the goodwill of the season envelop us. The tree is up, packages have been sent and our last party of the season is behind us. The remainder of the week belongs to the two of us and I've come to relish this quiet time. There are no deadlines to meet and during this lull, I'll pull recipes from my cortex and revel in the tastes and memories of Christmas past. Many of the dishes I'll be making for us during the holiday come from France. They are simple dishes from port cities or the French countryside and they are designed to satisfy, rather than impress. Haute they're not. Today's recipe is for Cotriade, a simple fish stew from Brittany that's often served during r

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