Friday, September 27, 2013

Blue Hawaii Martini

.I now know for sure that what goes around comes around. About 6 months ago I was straightening the pantry and got to the shelf where I keep liqueurs and other spirits I use for cooking. While I don't mind doubles of certain things, some of the sweet cordials last for years and having more than one bottle of them makes no sense. With that in mind, I pulled out the duplicates, gave one of our neighbors a call and invited her to take whatever she liked from the assortment that would otherwise be poured down the drain. One of the bottles that moved from our house to hers was blue curacao, an orange flavored liqueur that is tinted a glorious cobalt blue. I'm guessing about the tint, but I've never in all my years of travel seen a blue orange, so I think that's a reasonable assumption on my part. At any rate, we were invited for drinks a week or so ago and, sure enough, one of the drinks being offered was a blue martini. Now it happens that we live in an area where men would rather die of thirst than drink a Pink Lady or touch this strange new drink called the Blue Hawaii. There was a lot of circling around the drink table but no one touched the martini pitcher. We had a lovely visit but as we were getting set to leave, my neighbor pulled me into the kitchen when she gifted me with the bottle of Blue Curacao I had given her 6 months earlier. I am once again the custodian of the blue albatross which I am now convinced is the fruitcake of the 21st century. I've been told by those who enjoy the newer martinis that this is a nice drink. I think it is beautiful. By the way, if you know someone looking for a blue liqueur,  have I got a deal for you. I'm linking this post to Blue Monday, a blog event created by my friend Sally who hosts it on her blog, Smiling Sally. Here's the recipe for the Blue Hawaii Martini.

Blue Hawaii Martini


8 ounces vodka (1 cup)

2 ounces blue curacao (1/4 cup)

2 ounces pineapple juice (1/4 cup)

Ice cubes

Orange wedges (optional)


In a pitcher, combine vodka, blue curacao, and pineapple juice. Place ice cubes in a martini shaker. Add the liqueur mixture; shake. Strain into four chilled martini glasses. If desired, garnish each serving with an orange wedge or pineapple cube. Yield: 4 servings.

You might also enjoy these drinks:

Blue Lemonade

Iced Blueberry Tea

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